Saturday, May 28, 2016

Johnny was modern days Gary Cooper
All he did and did not was just super;
But his bliss came to naught
For he blindly forgot
To beware a Hollywood hooker.

A. S. Bliokh(C)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sokurov. Frankofonia.

A nasty propaganda rag contrasting the "civilized" French who complied with German occupation and thus saved French cultural treasures and the "barbaric" Russians who resisted and lost priceless art and immense lives. Cheesy scene of a German soldier running after a French girl, but she refuses and he abandons the pursuit. The contemporary story of the Dutch captain and his sinking ship imposed quite incoherently. By the way, the treasures of the Louvre are portrayed quite sketchily and with little artistic insight.

P.S. Did he know that the infamous Vel d'Hiv is in less than an hour's walk from the Louvre? Probably, yes.