The series "Mars" created by Ron Howard, a Hollywood whale, cannot be that bad, neither in concept, nor in execution. Model-class beauty as a crew commander also helps. Quadcopter-type drone flying on the surface of Mars is an absurdity. In full compliance with current media censorship code, the red stars of the Russian VVS were digitally retouched from the rescue helos in the documentary part. Series are heavily influenced by Stephen Petranek, Elon Musk's PR man and master plagiarist.
They also freely borrow from Andy Weir and his "Martian" but he was co-author of a script and must be familiar with the Byzantine corridors of Hollywood. I suppose his copyright lawyers already worked out a fat settlement out of R. H.
Unlike many a TV series ending with an anti-climax, RH prepared his climactic resolution good. But it was not supported by the previous series in any meaningful way. The impression is that the program excised four or five intervening episodes before going to the final movie. Were it Musk and Petranek's side dealings, Murdoch's media demands or censorship from the State Department and Senate Commissars, this was unhelpful.